Image PMR112K-18 by Peter Michael Rhodes

Travel > PMR112K-18
 Canada, Vancouver BC: view from Vancouver Lookout (177 metres) atop Harbour Centre Tower - view to the south-west, with new skyscraper rising on the left. 
 Keywords: modern architecture, western seaboard, cityscape, panorama, metropolis, high-rise buildings, skyscrapers

© Peter Michael Rhodes
"<" back one image forward one image ">"

Photographer: Peter Michael Rhodes
Collection: Travel
Upload Date: 2012-11-17 20:52:43
Photo Size: 2.3mb 3507x2480 pixels
  comp 840x594


Canada, Vancouver BC: view from Vancouver Lookout (177 metres) atop

Harbour Centre Tower - view to the south-west, with new skyscraper rising on the left.
Keywords: modern architecture, western seaboard, cityscape, panorama, metropolis, high-rise buildings, skyscrapers